My life story
I was born in 1983 in Tehran in a lovely warm family. My father was the CFO of one of the major well-known Iranian public companies and my mother, before her early retirement, served as the IT manager of an Iranian private company.
I have two older sisters, Ima and Ava. My elder sister, Ima, has Ph.D. in chemical science and runs her own Knowledge-based company. The middle child of the family, Ava, works in the Innovative Strategies Branch of the California Environmental Protection Agency. My parents and my sisters have been living in the USA for the several years.
I have got married in the autumn of 2009. My wife, Sarah, has a significant role in my very happy and peaceful life. In August 2015, we celebrated the birth of my Son, Adrian. His birth, was a great source of happiness in my life.
My education
I was kind of mature student, I went to university after having passed my military service at the age of 22. I took my bachelor’s degree at the PN University of Tehran in General Law. I also received my master’s degree in Private Law from the same university.
From 2020, I have attended “AT University of Tehran” as a PhD student in the International Law.
In order to enhance my business knowledge, I attended a two-year course of MBA in the first-ranked Business School in Iran, Mahan Business School.
My career path
From the age of 18, I have been working in different fields and areas. In 2007, I joined an international company in the field of tobacco , Japan Tobacco International. In JTI, I had started working in Sales and Marketing department and then I changed my path to PPO and HR.
In 2012, I joined an Iranian company in the field of cookware as the legal and HR director. This period was a great experience for me. As a top level manager, I had to decide regarding the complex challenges in the business.
In 2015, I joined Cohen Amir-Aslani, a French based international legal firm. Very soon after the ratification of the JCPOA (the nuclear agreement between Iran and 5+1 countries) the firm has established its local branch in Iran In 2015. In CAA, I’ve had this chance to improve my knowledge regarding the different topics in the international business law. Thanks to the high-level international clients as well as the tough standards of the frim, I have learned to work under the pressure of meeting the high expectations.
My teaching activities
I am teaching the different legal courses in high ranked business schools of Tehran such as Mahan Business school. More specifically, I am teaching the courses of the labor law, international contracts, commercial code of Iran, tax law and commercial-related insurance law.
My hobbies and interests
I have three main hobbies; sport, studying and playing with my son! I am interested in boxing and football either by watching them on television or practice them at the gym.